The End of Education | The Imaginative Conservative – Joseph Pearce


“The one thing that is never taught by any chance in the atmosphere of public schools,” wrote G. K. Chesterton, “is…that there is a whole truth of things, and that in knowing it and speaking it we are happy.”[1] Such words would be greeted with calculated coldness by the architects of the common core curriculum, who would no doubt respond with chilling indifference that there is no whole truth of things and therefore no meaningful happiness to be derived from it. Modernity never gets beyond Pontius Pilate’s famous question, quid est veritas, which is asked not in the spirit of philosophy as a question to be answered, but in the ennui of intellectual philandery as merely a rhetorical question that is intrinsically unanswerable. This intellectual philandery spawns numerous illegitimate children, each of which has its day as the dominant fad of educationists, at least until a new intellectual fad replaces it. It is in the nature of fads to fade but in the brief period in which they find themselves in the fashionable limelight they can cause a great deal of damage, a fact that Chesterton addressed with customary adroitness in 1910, over a century ago:

The trouble in too many of our modern schools is that the State, being controlled so specially by the few, allows cranks[2] and experiments to go straight to the schoolroom when they have never passed through the Parliament, the public house, the private house, the church, or the marketplace.

Obviously it ought to be the oldest things that are taught to the youngest people; the assured and experienced truths that are put first to the baby. But in a school today the baby has to submit to a system that is younger than himself. The flopping infant of four actually has more experience and has weathered the world longer than the dogma to which he is made to submit.

Many a school boasts of having the latest ideas in education, when it has not even the first idea; for the first idea is that even innocence, divine as it is, may learn something from experience.[3]

Implicit in Chesterton’s critique of the nature of modern education is a condemnation of the intellectual elitism that fuels the fads and fashions of the zeitgeist. The antidote to the poison of elitism, in Chesterton’s mind, is the populism and common sense of the common man; and the antidote to the transience of intellectual fads and fashions is the timeless touchtone of Tradition.

It is, of course, obvious that the disenfranchisement of the past inherent in the modern academy’s mania for novelty is also a disenfranchisement of the unborn. In denigrating and deriding the Great Books of Western Civilization, and the great ideas that informed them, the doyens of the modern academy have broken the continuum by which the wisdom of the ages is transmitted to each new generation. In refusing any authority beyond the self, homo superbus has disinherited himself from his own priceless inheritance; in imposing his egocentric ethos on the academy, he is also disinheriting future generations. Chesterton described modern man as a cad who contemptuously kicks down the ladder by which he’s climbed,[4] but the modern academic is even worse. He not only kicks down the ladder by which he’s climbed, he tries to destroy the ladder so that no-one coming after him can climb it either.

“The purpose of Compulsory Education,” wrote Chesterton, “is to deprive the common people of their common sense.”[5] This is manifest in the dogmatic imposition of radical relativism, the only philosophy compatible with homo superbus, and the implementation of secular fundamentalism, the political ideology ofhomo superbus, an ideology that refuses to tolerate anything but the things it tolerates itself, and does so in the name of “tolerance”, an egregious and outrageous example of the sheer chutzpah of Orwellian double-think! In short, homo superbus has recreated education in his own image, sacrificing all rival dogmas on the altar of self-worship he has erected to himself, on which the tabernacle of any god other than himself has been replaced by the mirror of self-referential subjectivism. There is no place in such self-referential education for religion or for any metaphysical philosophy.

The reductio ad absurdum at the heart of such a system of education was certainly not lost on Chesterton, who perceived it as the very antithesis of the object of a true education:

The only real object of all education is to teach people the proportions of things, that they may see what things are large and what small: we seem bent on teaching people to prefer in everything what is small to what is great, what is doubtful to what is certain, and what is trivial to what is eternal.[6]

Chesterton made the same point even more succinctly and sublimely in an epigrammatic turn of phrase that should serve as a motto for all true educators: “The whole point of education is that it should give a man abstract and eternal standards by which he can judge material and fugitive standards.”[7] The problem is that radical relativism believes that there are no abstract and eternal standards but that, on the contrary, all standards are merely fugitive, here today and gone tomorrow. Education does not serve truth because there is no truth to serve. Chesterton’s bon mot will not serve as a motto for the modern academy because the modern academy does not serve anything but itself. Its motto is non serviam. In such circumstances, education ceases to be the means to an end because there is no end, in the objective sense of a purpose or meaning to life. Such an education, incarnate in the common core, is nothing less than the end of education in that other doom-laden sense of the word. It has put an end to it.

Books on education may be found in The Imaginative Conservative Bookstore.


1. G. K. Chesterton, All Things Considered, New York: John Lane Company, 1910, p. 153
2. Chesterton is employing “crank” in its British sense, i.e. a crank as a dangerous eccentric.
3. G. K. Chesterton, What’s Wrong with the World, New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1910, p. 255
4. G. K. Chesterton, The Defendant, London: R. Brimley Johnson, 1902, p. 6; see also, Chesterton, A Miscellany of Men, New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1912, p. 305
5. G. K. Chesterton, Illustrated London News, Sep. 7, 1929
6. Ibid., Aug. 24, 1912
7. Ibid., Sep. 29, 1930

Paige Kreegel was more statesman, Lizbeth Benacquisto led the herd | James Pat Guerréro

Paige Kreegel
Michael Dreikorn
Michael Dreikorn
curt clawson_
Curt Clawson
Lizbeth Benacquisto

The thesis: Were the candidates afraid to make known their real views on all of the questions asked? Public confidence or decisiveness delays making a decision because there was hardly any distinction among the candidates in the question-answer public forum. Certainly, the public witnessed a forum and not a debate, which was sponsored by the News-Press and the Southwest Florida Chamber of Commerce as the first debate among candidates for the 19th Congressional Florida District Special Election to replace Trey Radel.[1]

The candidates who attended the Southwest Florida Chamber lunchtime forum were Republicans in alphabetical order: Florida Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto, Curt Clawson, Michael Dreikorn, and former Florida Rep. Paige Kreegel.

Synoptically, the twelve questions are given here as summary topics: debt, Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), National Flood Insurance Program, immigration reform, marriage equality, drug testing, defense budget, National Security Agency, Common Core, medical marijuana, tax increases, and Israel. The below tables are the general answers by the candidates.

Candidate        Debt          Obamacare         Flood Ins Inc      Immig Ref          Marriage Equality             Drug Testing
Benacquisto      No                    No                            No                        No                                 No                                        Yes
Curt Clawson    No                    No                            No                        No                                 No                                         Yes
Dreikorn             No                    No                            No                        No                                 No                                         Yes
Paige Kreegel    No                    No                            No                        No                                 No                                         Yes

Candidate       Def Budget Dec       NSA Snooping         Common Core       Med Marijuana       Tax Inc        Israel
Benacquisto               No                                No                                  No                              No                            No             Yes
Curt Clawson             No                                No                                  No                              No                            No             Yes
Dreikorn                      No                                No                                  No                              No                            No             Yes
Paige Kreegel             No                                No                                  No                              No                            No             Yes

In summary, there is not much difference in the answers. What happened to the old-fashioned debate on the questions among the candidates? Is it truly past to history that the debate is a political dinosaur? In fact the video showed a more conciliatory and self-congratulatory reaction among the candidates to each other’s answers, as if they were all on the same side of the issues. All republicans, all conservatives.  Stop messing.

Lizbeth Benacquisto did not follow that temptation. She held tight her responses as if she had been the lead horse, followed by all the other horses in the herd. But Benacquisto knows the Republican establishment line, and the herd somewhat was afraid not to follow it. Would it be that the herd is afraid not to follow the Republican establishment line because it will not get support?

The hard and fast rule of debate is to tear down the opponent’s answer on the issue and respond with a better answer and reference. They were all Republicans; so, they could do that. That would require some preparation, intellect, debating skill, and courage. But this event was a kind forum, accidentally. It is difficult to accept that the attendees would have not prepared for, perhaps enjoyed, some difference of opinion. After all, the baby boomers are predominately the judge today, and they always like action shows of the political kind. You know. Truth and pain and who’s your Daddy now type of stuff. Also, getting oohs and ahhs which was done quite well only once by Paige Kreegel in reference to Trey Radel’s troubles in Congress.

The candidates were afraid to differentiate their views in this forum. Perhaps follow-up debates will occur with more differences, especially in regards to how or which prerogative is better than the current state of affairs. The most humorous candidate was Paige Kreegel, whose ability to speak well and maintain attention would aspire to a statesman.

Democrat April Freeman, libertarian Ray Netherwood, republican Timothy Rossano, and write-in Gerald Gallagher did not attend the political introduction forum.

The primary special election is April 22, 2014; then, the general special election will occur on June 24, 2014.

Marco Rubio destroys apologists for Cuban and Venezuelan oppression | Human Events – John Hayward

Marco Rubio destroys apologists for Cuban and Venezuelan oppression | Human Events.

A new low in the disgrace of the American political class was reached when Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) took the floor this week to extol the virtues of Cuban communism.  A new high immediately followed, as Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) rose to annihilate Harkin, and all the other miserable apologists for left-wing tyranny.

The civilized world continues to pay an appalling price for failing to cast out communism with the same vehement disgust we showed towards fascism.  Among other things, the difference in our attitude toward these monstrous evils blinds us to their similarities.  Too many Western politicians and academics have been driven mad by the strain of pretending that communism and fascism are opposites.  They have been corrupted by the soul-deadening process of justifying, or at least politely ignoring, terrible means to reach ends they approve of… and they take a lot of the evidence for the achievement of those goals on faith, even when it comes from totalitarian liars.

This reflects not just on foreign policy, but on our domestic politics as well.  Just about every big political story bubbling in the headlines today involves people who are willing to sacrifice the American system, and the rule of law, to impose their own righteous vision on a populace that grows less free by the day.  I’ve never been a fan of the benevolent-dictator model of government, but I must admit it makes me extra-nervous when I look at who the American Left regards as an acceptably benevolent dictator.

How easily the modern Western liberal turns his eyes away from the brutal oppression of Venezuela or Cuba!  How readily they ignore the connections between these dungeon states and the fascist horrors no one can deny.  How easily they forget everything Rubio reminds them of here.  The rest of us should listen, and remember.

It is best to watch and listen to Rubio’s speech, rather than reading his words, but let me give you his closing statement, and urge you to watch him build up to it:

I don’t think we should stand by here with our arms crossed, watching these things happen in our hemisphere and say nothing about them. I can close by saying this: Over the last week, I have tweeted about these issues. I get thousands of retweets from students and young people, until they shut them out, in Venezuela who are encouraged by the fact that we are on their side. What they want is what we have, the freedom and the liberty. That’s what all people want.

And if America and its policy-makers are not going to be firmly on the side of freedom and liberty, who in the world is? Who on this planet will? If this nation is not firmly on the side of human rights and freedom and the dignity of all people, what nation on the Earth will? And if we’re prepared to walk away from that, then I submit to you that this century is going to be a dangerous and dark one. But I don’t believe that’s what the American people want from us. Nor the majority of my colleagues.

Hazy Curt Clawson Delisted HAYZQ Ticker of Hayes Lemmerz International Inc | James Pat Guerréro

Updated to revise categories and tags. Fort Myers FL is the new added category.  Fort Myers FL predominates in voter population for Florida U. S. Congressional District 19.

ThursdayMan | el hombre del jueves

Image Curt Clawson

Ticker symbol HAYZQ of Clawson’s Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc., in the automotive and transportation industries stopped trading on the NASDAQ sometime in 2009.  As a result of the Hayes Lemmerz’ bankruptcy reorganization, stockholders still holding stock lost all of their common stock.  Here’s how the posts of a particular stockholder, Kevin Aihara, read:

kevin Aihara  Monday, 12/28/09 09:13:04 PM
Re: Expediter post# 5929
Post #  of 5942

What’s going on with HAYZQ???? Did everyone lose out!! I can’t trade on this stock anymore. If anyone knows what happen please reply back!!! Need HELP!!! Thx[1]

kevin Aihara  Monday, 04/12/10 12:56:59 AM
Re: Kingchip161 post# 5934
Post #  of 5942

Have we lost everything in this stock?? What’s going on…Help someone![2]

jotuk6771  Sunday, 04/18/10 02:44:57 PM
Re: kevin Aihara post# 5937
Post #  of 5942

Sorry,but infortunately , you lost everything ….

Hayz Lemmerz is no longer publicly traded , so…

View original post 309 more words

Hazy Curt Clawson Delisted HAYZQ Ticker of Hayes Lemmerz International Inc | James Pat Guerréro

Curt Clawson

Ticker symbol HAYZQ of Clawson’s Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc., in the automotive and transportation industries stopped trading on the NASDAQ sometime in 2009.  As a result of the Hayes Lemmerz’ bankruptcy reorganization, stockholders still holding stock lost all of their common stock.  Here’s how the posts of a particular stockholder, Kevin Aihara, read:

[Begin quote]

kevin Aihara  Monday, 12/28/09 09:13:04 PM
Re: Expediter post# 5929
Post #  of 5942

What’s going on with HAYZQ???? Did everyone lose out!! I can’t trade on this stock anymore. If anyone knows what happen please reply back!!! Need HELP!!! Thx[1]

kevin Aihara  Monday, 04/12/10 12:56:59 AM
Re: Kingchip161 post# 5934
Post #  of 5942

Have we lost everything in this stock?? What’s going on…Help someone![2]

jotuk6771  Sunday, 04/18/10 02:44:57 PM
Re: kevin Aihara post# 5937
Post #  of 5942

Sorry,but infortunately , you lost everything ….

Hayz Lemmerz is no longer publicly traded , so, your shares are worthless …


[End quote]

Hayes Lemmerz International Inc is a global company with plants located worldwide producing automotive and commercial highway wheels and powertrain components.  Hayes Lemmerz filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in May 11, 2009 under the leadership of Chairman and CEO Curtis J. Clawson (Curt Clawson).  Court-driven toward a restructured and reorganized company, Mr Clawson agreed with its secured creditors that its lenders would gain “substantially all of the equity.”  Hence, common stockholder Mr. Kevin Aihara had “lost everything.”

From just a business perspective, tea partier conservative Mr. Bryon Donalds has endorsed Mr. Clawson with the words, “What we need in Washington are people who have outside experience, real leadership, and he provides that.”

But what haven’t been addressed are Tea Party principles, conservatism, and fiscal responsibility.  On the fiscal side null and void total common stock equity represents fiscal irresponsibility on behalf of Mr. Clawson for the common stockholder.  Apparently, there was no envisioned restructuring plan for the common stockholder.

Yet still existing intact, Hayes Lemmerz International Inc is now a division of Iochpe-Maxion, a Brazilian company, which merged with Hayes Lemmerz for the price tag of $725 Million.

An offshoot of this reorganization and merger was a new company called Maxion Wheels, which is now headed by the previous COO of Hayes Lemmerz, Fred Bentley.

An outsider is not the right term for Mr. Curtis J. Clawson.  A better term would be an insider who knows the caprices of the investment banking world.  And one of his characteristics would be a man of worldly experience who would thrive in Washington in the political funding and lobbying and special interest categories – to take from the common to give to the wealthy. For a characteristic as a conservative would not be one of his finer three-point shots.

Tea Partier Byron Donalds Endorses Outsider Curt Clawson | James Pat Guerréro

ThursdayMan | el hombre del jueves

Image Byron Donalds

Image Curt Clawson

Tea Partier and nose-finish favorite of Collier County, Byron Donalds had the perfect opportunity to run for Special Election United States Congressional District 19 of Florida, but instead he endorsed Republican Curt Clawson, a self-proclaimed “outsider.” And nothing is known about Mr. Clawson’s policy, as there is no detailed political platform as of today.  Self-styling Tea Party activism makes “¡Nada!” for an endorsement of Mr. Clawson who has been purported as an outsider of Washington with real business experience.

Byron Donalds claims that “I really did look at the field very strongly, and that’s why I made the decision to endorse him.”   But, what was in the field that he proved?  Politics is shallow water these days!  We know something about Byron Donalds, a tea partier conservative (the same thing was said of past Trey Radel.)  Who wants to place bets Curt Clawson is…

View original post 433 more words

Republican Lizbeth Benacquisto: A Political Analysis – Part 1 | James Pat Guerréro

ThursdayMan | el hombre del jueves

lizbeth benacquisto Lizbeth Benacquisto

I zeroed in on her religion, Catholic, on her website.1  Her life politics is communion chocolate cake topped with Republican butter cream and embossed with the colorful lettering, “Establishment.”  Prodded by all the patsy players who can’t endorse until the primary is over, like who can’t shoot until seeing the whites of the eyes – or retreat until seeing the tail between the legs, Ms. Benacquisto comes to the line. Fireless, just spineless and square-panted, Benacquisto’s Florida Senate Majority leader status is far from becoming the majority leader of the Congressional House anytime soon.

Time thinks twice before voting for this candidate.  Time punishes a slow-rising, learning curve how to vote, according to the republican establishment, whose votes sway to the prevailing wind. And who in the Republican Party said that a new face of woman politicians is the new face of the Republican Party.  New…

View original post 309 more words

Tea Partier Byron Donalds Endorses Outsider Curt Clawson | James Pat Guerréro

Byron Donalds
Curt Clawson

Tea Partier and nose-finish favorite of Naples Tea Party, Inc., Byron Donalds had the perfect opportunity to run for Special Election United States Congressional District 19 of Florida, but instead he endorsed Republican Curt Clawson, a self-proclaimed “outsider.” And nothing is known about Mr. Clawson’s policy, as there is no detailed political platform as of today.  Self-styling Naples Tea Party activism makes “¡Nada!” for an endorsement of Mr. Clawson who has been purported as an outsider of Washington with real business experience.

Byron Donalds claims that “I really did look at the field very strongly, and that’s why I made the decision to endorse him.”   But, what was in the field that he proved?  Politics is shallow water these days!  We know something about Byron Donalds, a tea partier conservative (the same thing was said of past Trey Radel.)  Who wants to place bets Curt Clawson is a tea partier conservative?  Republicans just don’t know what he stands for.

The Naples Tea Party is grasping for straws but not vetting or understanding any political platform of which is publicized.  Clawson’s political ad of shooting a basketball for a potential three-pointer is somehow supposed to lean toward brinksmanship, suggesting he can take on President Obama’s basketball prowess.  But, again, what does it prove?  It proves he can make a three-point shot, and that’s all she wrote.  One hopes the Lee [County] Tea Party is in line with the Naples Tea Party 2014 activism, otherwise there might be another “2012 oops” primary where they weren’t in harmony, and Trey Radel got elected.

Chances are the Naples Tea Party won’t make the same mistake this time building a coalition Republican team led by Lee County, as Curt Clawson is from Lee County.  If Curt Clawson wins, Collier County stands to be dictated again, and Lee County takes the heat if anything goes wrong.  Why would this work, though?  Alas, Naples Tea Party is likely this time to team up and strategy up with Lee [County] Tea Party.  The political guru computes this has a 3.5 out of 10 chance of winning the election.

Byron Donalds missed the special election ship passing in the night.  He could have had grassroots in the African-American and Hispanic growing population in Collier County, and more potentially, in Lee County, and served many disadvantaged folks who need help.  These are beautiful peacock feathers state senator Lizbeth Benacquisto could not have shown!  What a shame he did not run?  It made more sense, as many others sense the same way, he should have run!

It appears more is needed to win a Curt Clawson political basketball game.  How about a candidate’s team make-up?  That might help. Or, a candidate’s publicized strategy?  If there is one, tell somebody.  Surprises are wasted ambushes in the thick jungle where not many are willing knifing through, anyway.  By giving Mr. Clawson the benefit of the doubt, why does one begin doubting there’s a benefit in Mr. Clawson’s political platform?  ¿Sabe?

Curt Clawson will face:

“The other Republicans running are state senator Lizbeth Benacquisto, former state representative Paige Kreegel, Michael Dreikorn, Mike Gibens and Timothy Rossano.

Democrat April Freeman and Libertarian Ray Netherwood are also running in the special election to replace Radel who resigned from Congress on January 27th.

The special election primary will be held on April 22nd.” 1

Costly, the price tag of this special election is $500,000 plus, paid for by the State of Florida!
