Border Agents Quitting Over Catch and Release of Known Gang Members |

Zetas Informants Hanged in Neuvo Laredo Across the Border of Laredo, Texas
Zetas Informants Hanged in Neuvo Laredo Across the Border of Laredo, Texas

“This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes,” the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers said in a statement earlier this month.

via Border Agents Quitting Over Catch and Release of Known Gang Members |

What Economic Recovery? – Tea Party Nation

What Economic Recovery? – Tea Party Nation.

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Jenny Beth Martin: RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Should Intervene In Mississippi |



Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS)

Jenny Beth Martin: RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Should Intervene In Mississippi


Jenny Beth Martin, chair of the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, is calling on Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus to intervene in the Mississippi Senate race over incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran’s reliance on Democratic voters to prevail in the GOP runoff and amid emerging clai…

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10 Points for Winning a True Conservative Reformer | James Pat Guerréro

Florida's 19th Congressional District Special General Election Results
Florida’s 19th Congressional District Special General Election Results

The Florida’s 19th Congressional District Special General Election Results …

What is to cheer about?  The voting public did not really see the election as a competition.  Lee County, Florida, turnout was a mere 22% compared to Collier County, Florida’s, 23%.  Voter turnout, yes, and I have a gun range in my basement.  I intellectually see more clearly by what Ray Netherwood said about lamenting Republicans over Curt Clawson.  I am lamenting! but also I am thankful for what I have – freedom.

I would like especially to thank Ray Netherwood, the Libertarian nominee, for running in Florida’s 19th Congressional District Special Election, and Democratic April Freeman and Independent Timothy Rossano.  Republican Curt Clawson of Bonita Springs, Florida, won the special general election, replacing Trey Radel who resigned over cocaine use charges at the beginning of the year.

A patriotic American and true conservative reformer, Mr. Netherwood did his best with his campaign resources.  Certainly, it is no easy task to run up against a wealthy political aspirant, who knows he can win.  The wealthy way is electing one’s self winning an election; but it is not the citizen’s way, where the citizens do the electing.

Would it not be a wonderful upset if Curt Clawson lost in the November 2014 election?  There is a way to defeat the wealthy politically inspired elected – it is called divide and win the voters.  Here are some lessons learned for taking back Florida’s 19th Congressional District.

  1. To be a true conservative reformer, one has to represent oneself as one in the talking fight and the fight talking.
  2. The campaigning needs are in Lee County where there are more registered voters and a richer demographic.
  3. Collier County is diversity-weak with high-income per capita and less dense population per square mile, although the Hispanic population is growing.  More success can be achieved from the Hispanic vote in Collier County.
  4. The message should be that the candidate is more conservative and represents more of the Tea Party principles and applications.
  5. Keeping a close eye on Curt Clawson’s voting record does well to develop the message points to refute the idea he is a true conservative reformer.
  6. The population demographics should take into voting account the Hispanic vote and the African-American vote.
  7. The message should be appealing to the young adult voters.
  8. Represent the issues in accordance with Tea Party principles so the Tea Party super PACs can independently endorse the candidate.  The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund endorsed Curt Clawson.
  9. Finding Tea Party people in Florida helps to endorse and support the candidate.
  10. Especially pay close attention to developing the immigration platform explaining why and how to protect the country, not focusing on keeping immigrants out but finding ways to bring immigrants in legally.

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Vote for Ray Netherwood for U. S. Congress | James Pat Guerréro

Ray Netherwood
Ray Netherwood

Fort Myers and Naples, Florida

I am voting[1] for Ray Netherwood, the Libertarian candidate for the Libertarian Party in the general election for the Florida 19th Congressional District Special Election.  Although I am Republican and do not anticipate switching parties any time soon, for me it comes down to a preference between Curt Clawson, the Republican nominee, and Ray Netherwood, the Libertarian nominee.

Aside from addressing Mr. Netherwood’s excellent economy and jobs platform, I would rather address some conservative social issues.  Just take one good look at the Clawson Economic Growth Plan (a dizzy read), and decide for yourself if you want more of the same: government use of debt to sell off corporate debt with offshoot cronyism and special interest corporate causes that do not look at the big picture.

In the many possible political worlds, I have learned that defeating abortion and homosexuality are difficult propositional platforms.  Marriage between a man and a woman whips into the homogeneous homosexuality agenda, the phalanx of rhetoric so to speak.

I take on the Tea Party principles and practical legal and political implementations for them – a more courageous political stance.  Perhaps persistent, well-educated, and moral legislators and judges, whom we elect, one day will win the pro-life issue by laws supported by the U. S. Constitution.

Although I do not think homosexuality will ever go away, I am not presumptuous enough to think the U. S. Constitution and its interpretation of it can obliterate homosexuality.  Certainly, though, homosexuality will use the U. S. Constitution to defend itself.  Nevertheless, marriage is another matter: a legal act with historical legal precedence.

I have to admit, we, catholics, are a captious bunch.[2]  We stand up against abortion and homosexuality, as we should; however, at the same time, we should find the practical (political, active, and legal) way to defend the unborn and marriage between a man and a woman.  DEFEND, in all capitalization, is the key word.  The question is, “How shall I be the best defender of the faith?”  Knowing marriage between a man and a woman leading to faithful love and care of children and right to life is part of our faith, we would defend it with our lives, I hope.  In light of what los españoles say in español,

“El filósofo Epícteto dijo que un hombre sabio no se lamenta por lo que no tiene, sino que se regocija por lo que sí tiene.”


“The philosopher Epictetus said that a wise man does not grieve for the things he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”

We have many things to be thankful – perhaps not now the defense of innocent lives taken in the womb and the defense of innocent children in homosexual relationships.  I can be patient for the good in God’s chance moving hearts over these issues.

Meanwhile, a time is here to shake up the U. S. Congress.  Thus, in my little way of the flower, I, a “gut strunk catolic,” [good strong catholic], am voting for Ray Netherwood, the Libertarian nominee.

The Fort Myers and Naples, Florida, general election is June 24, 2014.  Ray Netherwood is running against Democrat April Freeman and Republican Curt Clawson.

Please refer to Ray Netherwood’s web site for more information on his political platform.

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[1] I cannot vote per se in Florida’s 19th U. S. Congressional District due to a voting registration change.

[2] The word, Catholics, is a proper noun with capitalization, as referring to a unique entity.  I use catholic with a small “c” for the purpose of this article.

Loving Day – June 9th | James Pat Guerréro

Loving Day for Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving
Loving Day for Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving

June 9 is annual Loving Day.  This day is a celebration in remembrance of the landmark U. S. Supreme Court decision, Loving v. Virginia, overruling the Virginia interracial marriage prohibition laws, unanimously, declaring the Virginia laws unconstitutional.  This declaration occurred on June 12, 1967.

Back in 1958, Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving had married in Washington, D.C..  Mildred had black and Native American ancestry, and Richard had white ancestry (both are deceased).  They were both from Central Point in Caroline County, Virginia, and grew up together.  They were arrested weeks after marrying for breaking the Virginia prohibition against interracial marriage laws.  As they were convicted and sentenced, the judge had suspended their sentence if they would not live in Virginia for 25 years, or return to Virginia.

Mildred had written a letter to U. S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy allowing the ACLU to take the case.  The new ruling had allowed the couple to return to Caroline County, where they had originated.

The month of June is the annual month of celebration for Loving Day.  To fight racial prejudice and build a multicultural community, the Loving Day Flagship Celebration is an annual event in New York.

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