Nine Day Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel | James Pat Guerréro

Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel

The feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is on July 16th. The novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel begins on July 8th, and the novena prayer can be found at the link below.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel novena has a rich tradition all the way to the prophet Elias (1 Kings 18:44). Some of the first Christians under St. John the Baptist departed Jerusalem after the Pentecost and settled on Mount Carmel to erect a Christian hermitage and church dedicated to Our Lady. Mount Carmel rises 1,742 feet and overlooks the modern-day Haifa on the mediterranean, and has limestone rocks that appear as a cliff-like landscape.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel was the promise by God of the Virgin who would bear a child, the Messiah, who would save the world. Elias, himself, was a virgin, and he promised to live a virginal life that would prefigure the Virgin, Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Read More: Nine Day Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel | Prayers.

3 Replies to “Nine Day Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel | James Pat Guerréro”

  1. Dear Ms. Urban,

    You are correct! My error. The novena begins on the 7th, nine days before the feast day, not including the feast day. Thanks for the correction. My best to you and your novena!


  2. please explain. you have novena starting on 8th ending the 16th. all novenas i have ever done or heard of start nine days in advance ending the day before the feast day and then the feast day. i.e., carmel would begin on the 7th ending the 15th. like Good Friday, starts novena for Divine Mercy Sunday, ending sat. the 15th before the feast day. please explain why on the 8th carmel starts.


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