Los planes de Osama Bin Laden | The Americano

La tormenta mediática ha amainado, como sucede siempre, y noticias más frívolas de sociedad o de la crisis económica acaparan las portadas de prensa y TV. Afortunadamente, los servicios de Inteligencia estadounidenses siguen analizando y desmenuzando los discos duros y pen drives incautados en los ordenadores  de Osama Bin  Laden, así como el resto de documentación, que incluye su testamento ideológico y las órdenes a la red Al Qaeda.

Todo ello se encuentra en manos de la CIA, el  National Counterterrorism Center y la National Security Agency, y ya ha permitido encontrar interesantes datos, como la lista con la red de operadores de Al Qaeda, las instrucciones de cómo deben comunicarse entre ellos una vez muerto Bin Laden, así como los planes de la organización y algunas de sus prioridades de ejecución. Otro de los datos que se incluye en la documentación, el sucesor de Bin Laden, el egipcio Ayman al Zawahiri, se ha confirmado recientemente, al igual que los nombres y la jerarquía de los distintos responsables de Al Qaeda tras la muerte de su líder.

El tesoro documental incautado en la operación de Abbottabad incluye instrucciones y planes operativos para las células dormidas en Estados Unidos y Europa, así como algunas de las identidades de sus máximos responsables por seudónimo y otros detalles reveladores.

En las instrucciones que se detallan para un escenario tras la muerte de Bin Laden, destacan las orientadas hacia grupos de Oriente Medio, el Golfo Pérsico, Europa, Estados Unidos y los grupos operativos independientes que utilizan la marca Al Qaeda o sus argumentos ideológicos, con especial énfasis en las redes telemáticas, Internet y foros. Se concede especial relevancia a los individuos que actúan por libre, al amparo de la propaganda islamista, lo que supone un foco de riesgos aún imprevisible.

Esto por sí solo indica el grado de preparación de la organización terrorista para un escenario sin Osama Bin Laden, pero con campañas de terrorismo activas. Uno de los datos más escalofriantes, por sus implicaciones, es el reconocimiento de células durmientes activas en centros urbanos, muchos de ellos occidentales, que podrían actuar inmediatamente y provocar ataques terroristas.

Estas informaciones están detrás de muchas de las operaciones contra Al Qaeda y sus grupos afines que Estados Unidos está llevando a cabo directamente o por mediación de aliados en terceros países, y continuarán en la base de otras muchas en el inmediato futuro, que nos permitirán seguir golpeando a Al Qaeda con dureza y desmantelando sus estructuras y comandos para siempre. Porque no cabe otra estrategia que la eliminación total de estos grupos e individuos que solo buscan provocar daños y muerte.

Precisamente la muerte de Osama Bin Laden fue un importante triunfo en la guerra contra el terrorismo, pero la documentación e información obtenida se coloca a la par y es una victoria a largo plazo que servirá la inteligencia estadounidense bien servida. Por supuesto que hay infinidad de datos que no es posible revelar públicamente en estos momentos, pero también están en la base de que mantengamos un nivel de alerta elevado y de que no bajemos la guardia.

Los planes de Osama Bin Laden y los ataques terroristas de Al Qaeda no han terminado, aunque la guerra contra el terrorismo haya situado a la organización en un punto de debilidad crítico. Mal haríamos en relajarnos y muy bien en rematar a los que aún acechan a las sociedades libres.

James Nava es un consultor veterano de inteligencia y un prestigioso escritor, autor de “Lobo gris” y “El agente protegido”. wwww.jamesnava.com

Los planes de Osama Bin Laden | The Americano.

Cartoons By Clayton Liotta @DickMorris.Com: AARP Endorses Social Security Cuts | Dick Morris


Published on DickMorris.com on June 20, 2011

Dear Friend,

The AARP has endorsed Social Security cuts. For a humorous take on the AARP’s controversial decision, view the cartoon below by our DickMorris.com cartoonist Clayton Liotta.

Please forward this email to any friends or family who may be interested in viewing Cartoons By Clayton Liotta @DickMorris.Com!



Cartoons By Clayton Liotta @DickMorris.Com: AARP Endorses Social Security Cuts - Click Here!  


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RSC Update: No Debt Limit Hike without Cut, Cap, & Balance | Republican Study Committee

Monday, June 20, 2011

RSC Update: No Debt Limit Hike without Cut, Cap, & Balance

From the Chairman

For more than a month, various small groups of lawmakers, one led by Vice President Biden, have been meeting in an attempt to find an agreement on cutting spending and raising the national debt limit. As you know, the RSC is pushing hard for a Cut, Cap, and Balance approach. Now our movement grows even stronger.

A large coalition of groups concerned about the nation’s financial state is putting its weight behind Cut, Cap, and Balance. On Friday, I proudly signed their pledge to oppose any debt ceiling increase unless Congress makes substantial spending cuts for the upcoming year, enacts statutory spending caps, and passes a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution that caps spending and raises the hurdle for tax increases. I will not support a debt limit increase unless we Cut, Cap, and Balance.

Economists from across the political spectrum agree that America faces a debt crisis in just a few years unless we quickly change course. Cut, Cap, and Balance is the only plan on the table that can prevent the coming crisis and keep the American Dream alive.

God Bless,

Congressman Jim Jordan

Chairman, Republican Study Committee

RSC Media Activity – RSC members work hard to ensure that the conservative viewpoint is well-represented in all corners of the media. Visit our Media Center for more.

· Rep. Bill Cassidy (LA-06): The GOP Approach to Medicare; The Daily Caller, June 14.

· Rep. Phil Roe (TN-01): Abolish IPAB; National Review, June 15.

· Rep. Todd Akin (MO-02): Hitting the Debt Ceiling is a Warning; Big Government, June 15.

· Rep. James Lankford (OK-05): More Regulations Are Not a Plan for Job Creation; Townhall, June 16.

· Reps. Phil Roe (TN-01) & Larry Bucshon (IN-08): Health Care Law Has Consequences; The Evansville Courier & Press, June 16.

· Rep. Scott Rigell (VA-02): Saving Medicare; The Virginian Pilot, June 17.

RSC Member Activity – RSC members make it a priority to introduce productive, conservative solutions for America’s future.

· The House Judiciary Committee passed H.J. Res. 1, a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which is a vital step in our Cut, Cap, Balance debt limit solution.

· Rep. David Schweikert (AZ-05) introduced H.R. 2167, the Private Company Flexibility and Growth Act, which unwinds red-tape and regulation on small businesses to allow for growth, more innovation, and most importantly—job creation.

House Floor Activity – The following key legislation came through the House of Representatives recently.

· OnTuesday, the House passed H.R. 2055, the FY 2012 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which provides a spending level of $72.5 billion, $615 million (0.8%) less than last year.

· On Thursday, the House passed H.R. 2112, the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which provides a spending level of $17.25 billion, $2.7 billion (13.4%) less than last year.

Outlook – A quick look at what’s on the horizon.

· On Wednesday, the House will potentially begin debate on H.R. 1249, the America Invents Act, and H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act.

· On Wednesday or Thursday, the House is expected to begin debate on H.R. 2219, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act.

RSC Reports

· RSC Policy Brief: Issues of Note on H.R. 1249, Patent Reform Legislation.

· Each week the House is in session, the RSC Budget and Spending Taskforce compiles a weekly report on the latest budget and spending news. Additionally, the RSC Money Monitor tracks how bills passed by the House affect authorizations, mandatory spending, and federal government revenue.


House Republican Study Committee
Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman

Paul Teller, Executive Director
Brad Watson, Policy Director
Bruce “Fez” Miller, Professional Policy Staff

Joe Murray, Professional Policy Staff
Curtis Rhyne, Professional Policy Staff

Ja’Ron Smith, Professional Policy Staff
Wesley Goodman, Director of Conservative Coalitions and State Outreach

Yong Choe, Director of Business Outreach and Member Services
Brian Straessle, Communications Director
Ben Miller, Deputy Communications Director
Cyrus Artz, Research Assistant

1524 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, DC 20515
(202) 226-9717




Michael Timmis: A Man for all Springs | James Pat Guerréro

Ave Maria, FL: The issues of Michael Timmis, Chairman of the Board of Ave Maria University, are numerous:

  1. Improper vetting of H. James Towey
  2. Religious (Christian) persecution
  3. False marketing of University and town.
  4. Immoral use of taxpayer funds for Jackson Laboratory in Ave Maria Rural Stewardship
  5. Immoral support for Jackson Laboratory
  6. Family support in Ave Maria town.
  7. Business support in Ave Maria town.
  8. Employee Discrimination
  9. And, public use of University private property, to name a few.

All need to be addressed some day.

Read More: Michael Timmis: Spring is the season of graduation » Naples Daily News.

Three Armed Immokalee Residents Rob Handy Food Store | James Pat Guerréro

Randal Johnson (19), Mikera Mungin (19), and Dante Howard (23) were arrested for armed robbery by the Lee County Sheriff deputies. On Monday morning, Howard entered the Handy Food Store on 415 New Market Road, Immokalee, Florida and robbed the clerk at gunpoint after firing a round into the ceiling. Howard then entered a white Impala in the parking lot with two other passengers waiting, Mungin and Johnson. The car headed toward Lehigh Acres, and the deputies spotted them exiting at the intersection of Eisenhower Boulevard and Candlelight Drive in Lehigh Acres. The deputies set up a perimeter and captured them: one in the bushes and two in a house.

Read More: Three arrested in connection with Immokalee store robbery » Naples Daily News.

Arthrex Sports Medicine Symposium – At the Top | James Pat Guerréro

Experts in the field of sports medicine met with 112 graduates (fellows) at a forum held by Arthrex. The second annual Arthrex Sports Medicine Symposium in Naples, Florida, connected with the doctors who recently completed their residencies. Last weekend the three-day event covered lectures, demonstrations, and lab work in the company’s facility.

Among the experts were team doctors from the U.S. soccer team, the U.S. Olympic ski team, the Los Angeles Lakers, the Boston Red Sox, and the University of Connecticut.  Dr. James Lubowitz said,

“There’s always been meetings and courses, but nothing like this,” said Dr. James Lubowitz, one of the event’s faculty members and a member of the U.S. Olympic Ski Team’s medical staff. “The hands-on experience that’s provided to the fellows that attend this event is really unique.”

Founder Reinhold Schmieding provides the food, travel, and lodging for all those who attend the event. Arthrex provides the faculty guest list and intimate setting in terms of classrooms and grounds.

The guest faculty are doctors and surgeons who are the prominent experts in the field, and the doctors on the fellowships have a great opportunity to learn from the best in the world.

The fellows get to work in “wet labs” on site with cadaveric limbs. They get to perform techniques demonstrated by the faculty. The fellows learn new techniques that make them better, especially when something goes wrong, and give important feedback to make the patient better.

Arthrex aspires to stay at the forefront of sports medicine and works with doctors like Brian Busconi and James Lubowitz to develop new tools and techniques to improve the “success rates and rehabilitation times from major surgeries.”

The Sports Medicine Symposium is part of the overall medical education that Arthrex provides year round. Arthrex provides medical education to an average of 5,000 visitors per year.

Fellow Dr. Armin Harandi attended the Symposium back-to-back and had this to say,

“This is one of the best opportunities for people like myself to learn before I’m on my own,” Harandi said. “Many people hope to have a chance to attend an event like this, and I’m glad to have to attended both years and gained valuable knowledge that I’m sure I’ll put into practice.”

Read More: New orthopedic surgeons learn from experts at Arthrex Sports Medicine Symposium » Naples Daily News.

Where in the World is Fr. Strycharz? | James Pat Guerréro

Where in the world is Fr. Strycharz? – Bonita Springs, Florida. After a year, Fr. Stan Strycharz of the Diocese of Venice, St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, is embattled and battling. Both. He’s still mum due to a gag order muzzled by his Bishop Frank J. Dewane; he gets full pay and is on administrative leave pending the completion of an internal investigation of his personal and financial matters. He’s obeying the gag order.

Fr. Strycharz has a group of supporters called the “Save the Diocese of Southwest Florida” that seems to be well-organized and represented. Fr. Strycharz also has a public relations firm that represents his – well – public relations (the firm will benefit from this kind of case). Otis Wragg, of the Wragg & Casas public relations firm in Miami with an office in Bonita Springs, speaks for Father and his supporters. Do taxpayers and the faithful ‘through the basket’ pay for this?

Wragg states that Cheffy Passidomo P.A., law firm in Naples, has been retained for Fr. Strycharz since February 2011. No suits or litigation has materialized thus far from this firm.

According to Billy Atwell,

“The Diocese is not prepared to make a statement regarding Fr. Stan Strycharz,” diocese spokesman Billy Atwell said in an email.

What has appeared as a side issue is the dropped lawsuit by the former parish employee Mary Beth Geier. She was hired by Fr. Strycharz through a contract signed on June 1, 2010. Her duties were St. Leo’s office manager, education director, and director of liturgy. Geier filed a lawsuit in the Lee Circuit Court against the defendants: Diocese of Venice, Monsignor Stephen McNamara, Chancellor Volodymyr Smeryk, Art Fleisher of Human Resources, and Bishop Dewane – for breach of employment contract.

Geier had been employed for the earlier four years, and the new contract was to be for one more year at the annual salary of $79,209.

The contract stated that Geier would be given 30 days to correct any performance issue before being terminated. This opportunity wasn’t afforded Geier, the lawsuit contended.

According to the lawsuit, she was told on June 24, 2010 that failing to update her fingerprints was cause for her dismissal, even though she offered to be fingerprinted that day. The suit says that “diocesan officials wouldn’t allow her to do so.” The suit also says that the contract provides a severance that if she were terminated before one year was up that she would receive a full year’s salary.

The lawsuit also states that Geier’s firing and Fr. Strycharz’ being placed on administrative leave afterward was due to Bishop Dewane’s personal animosity toward Fr. Strycharz. Atwell denies the alleged Bishop’s personal grudge.

Geier’s attorney, Charles A. Murray of Naples, said that Geier dropped the lawsuit because of the difficult process and since has found a new job. According to the Naples Daily News, diocesan officials have stated that Geier wasn’t compensated in any way to drop the lawsuit.

The lawsuit also states that the Diocese tried to get Fr. Strycharz to fire Geier again after the Diocese fired her. The lawsuit states that the Diocese did this “in an effort to conceal their prior tortious interference with an employment contract” because the Diocese was not a party to the contract.

The lawsuit also states that “Father Strycharz refused this request and now he has been placed on administrative leave, slandered and his own job is in jeopardy.”

Just after Easter, Fr. Luis Pacheco left St. Leo’s Parish and has been placed on sabbatical for six months due to fatigue, according to Atwell.

Read More: Nearly a year later, is fate of Father Stan Strycharz about to be revealed? » Naples Daily News.

Jennifer Lehman Found in Retention Pond ~ 1 Year Later | James Pat Guerréro

Jennifer Lehman (49) was missing since August 13, 2010. Where was she? Her body was found on June 17, 2011 in her submerged car in a retention pond at Edison State College, Fort Myers, Florida. That would be almost a year later she was discovered by a grounds keeper.

There are aerial photos that show that her car was in the pond taken in August 201o. Note the red-circled, white object in the pond which shows the submerged car. Her car is a white, 1993 Nissan 300 ZX with the tag number 166-6VK – the same car which was discovered this Friday.

Upon discovery of the car, the divers noted undercarriage damage. That would indicate that the car had been driven off the nearby road and into the pond. Driving over the berm around the pond may have caused the undercarriage damage.

Former husband Steve Lehman had reported her missing in August 2010. Jennifer’s daughter, Brittany Lehman, had been lost due to a car crash in June 2010.

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the case.

Read More: Body found in missing woman’s car submerged in Edison College pond » Naples Daily News.

What are Obama Zombies? | Watch Online: BCN Highlights Student Reaction to Obama Win, Campus News Bowdoin | James Pat Guerréro

What are Obama Zombies? (Watch)

Obama Zombies are Huge-geaaa! This particular group is from Maine (foreign country?), but they’re from around the United States, perhaps the world. On Obama’s election night they sang The Star Spangled Banner and Amazing Grace. They dribbled the words to The Star Spangled Banner like they knew the tune but not so well the lyric. In Amazing Grace, they are the “wretches” and “lost,” and Obama makes them not wretches anymore and saved them. They have a great perception that Obama is the answer to everything in their lives – Everything in Their Lives. Their greatest idea to goodness is “Change.” They like to emphasis the “Hussein” part of Barack Hussein Obama. In 2008, the young person at 18 began the Obama generation. The Obama Zombie is now about 21, but many older adults are also Obama Zombies, too. The “Obama Zombies” northeast headquarters is Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. (Definitely not near a military museum.)

Having swept to victory as the nation’s first black president Tuesday night, Barak Obama and his moving acceptance speech inspired his supporters on campus to spill out onto the Quad to take a victory lap of their own.

Buoyant with the news their candidate had won, students broke into renditions of The Star Spangled Banner and Amazing Grace.

Bowdoin Cable Network BCN was on the scene, taking in the action and interviewing students about their reactions.

BCN’s election night report was posted to YouTube.

via Watch Online: BCN Highlights Student Reaction to Obama Win, Campus News Bowdoin.

Firefighters and EMS should form a private company in Immokalee FL | James Pat Guerréro

The Immokalee Fire Control District is mighty big. The taxpayers of this district would have their taxes increased if the referendum were passed to increase taxes to raise $400,000 more. The millage rate would be increased from 3.0 to 3.75 which would appropriate the extra $400,000 for the Fiscal Year 2013. More taxes will occur every succeeding year.

The local union president supported by union lawyers inspires this tax increase desire (motioned by Edward Olesky). Their solution always is to pass the cost to the taxpayers because there isn’t any other way to solve the problem in their minds. The Immokalee Fire Control District Board of Commissioners voted 3-2 to put the referendum on the 2012 presidential ballot, with Joe Matthews and Lonzo Morgan voting no.

But there are other ways to solve the problem. No doubt firefighters and EMS are needed out there in the rural area, including Ave Maria. If the union would just move out of the way a little, the private sector could provide these services. The private sector would also need Collier County government’s support not interference. Needless to say the union can be disagreeable, too, because of the feeling of being threatened, but they should try to see that Florida is a right to work state.

The referendum will probably be defeated because taxpayers don’t want anymore taxes, but they do want solutions. One solution could be that the laid off firefighters and EMS could form their own company and provide the support services. Why not try the idea? It can work.

Read More: Immokalee Fire seeks to increase taxes; to raise $400,000 » Naples Daily News.