Neoconservative vs. Conservative and YAF | James Pat Guerréro

The Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) are neoconservatives. YAF supports nation-building in the idea of using national resources to build on projects domestic and abroad. Neoconservatives get away from the idea of a limited government because they need governmental intervention to carry out their nation-building goals. Neoconservatives tout the Sharon Statement that William F. Buckley wrote back in the 1960’s from his Sharon, Connecticut, home. At that time the Sharon Statement was militaristic and applicable in the cold war era, but it is not applicable today. For neoconservatives, the Sharon Statement is a subtle platform, although ironically conservative, that leads to big government.

Read More: What YAF’s Expulsion of Ron Paul Says about the Conservative Movement | Christopher Preble | Cato Institute: Commentary.