“NO” on New $2 Trillion Debt Deal | Michael A. Needham

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“Budget Control Act” Will Gut Defense, Hike Taxes
To Whom It May Concern,

It was a busy weekend, full of spin and closed door meetings. Regrettably, the final debt deal – the Budget Control Act – is insufficient to the task at hand, which is why Heritage Action remains adamantly opposed.

The deal would increase the debt ceiling by $900 billion now, in exchange for Washington-style cuts. It would also give tremendous power to a 12-member committee that will pave the way for tax hikes. Not only that, but if conservatives don’t agree to the tax hikes, then a so-called trigger would automatically cut our nation’s security by $600 billion.

>> Read our Key Vote alert, which we sent to Capitol Hill this morning, here.

This is not the kind of deal that our country needs right now. That being said, conservatives should take heart that the Washington establishment is increasingly adopting our rhetoric. Those promoting this deal promise that it won’t raise taxes. They promise that it cuts spending. And they promise that it can lead to a balanced budget for our country.

Despite the fact that the policy of the deal does not support these promises, this is a sign that our message is winning. Now is the time for us to redouble our efforts and to force Washington to do more than just adopt our message. It is time for Washington to come to grips with our national plight and enact conservative policies that actually put our nation back on a sound fiscal path.

And we will have our chance in very short order. There will be a fight over appropriations in September and a fight over the super-committee’s recommendation’s throughout the fall. As we move closer to November of 2012, the plight of Obamacare and the need to repeal it will come back into focus.

With your continued help I am confident we will succeed in this task.


Michael A. Needham
Chief Executive Officer
Heritage Action for America
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Heritage Action for America | 321 D Street NE | Washington, DC 20002

The Left Takes the Debt Ceiling Debate Hostage to the S&P | RedState | Erick Erickson

It is worth noting that when Standard and Poor issued its warning about American debt it did not mention the debt ceiling debate.

In fact, Barclay’s Bank specifically noted in its statement about what it all meant that “This announcement was not about the debt ceiling; in fact, the debt ceiling is not even mentioned in the SP release. In sharp contrast, the reason why U.S. government ratings came under pressure in 1995-96 (Moody’s put parts of U.S. government debt on negative watch) was the debt ceiling impasse at that point. This means that even if the debt ceiling debate were to be resolved in the near term, it would not be enough to restore the outlook to stable.”

Certainly, if things were dragged out long term there would be an impact, but not over the short term. As Senator Pat Toomey and others have noted, the United States brings in more money each month than is owed on the interest payments we must make to service our debt.

That has not, however, stopped the Democrats from trying to claim the SP decision is about the debt ceiling.

Witness Democrat Party mouthpiece subsidized by the Washington Post Ezra Klein spinning the SP madly into a demand that we raise the debt ceiling and screw the cuts.

This is going to be the Democrats’ new tactic. Back in 2006, Barack Obama, in opposition to the debt ceiling increase at that time, said, “Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.”

Harry Reid joined him, saying, “Given the explosion of debt in recent years, it is long past time for Washington to change the course and adopt a new fiscal policy.” The Democrats have adopted a new fiscal policy and it has exploded the debt. Despite Democrat rhetoric about George W. Bush’s out of control spending, the Democrats these last two years have made George Bush’s spending spree look amateurish.

Now the Democrats want to increase the limit on the national credit card instead of paying down the bill. They want a free pass to more spending. Instead, the Republicans should accept the fact that no matter what they do they will never win over the press and should instead refuse to raise the debt ceiling without massive cuts and entitlement reforms.

The American people understand what it means to refuse to pay down credit cards and instead get new credit cards. They understand that is what government is doing. And they are tired of it.

If the Republican Party will not aggressively fight for real cuts and real reform in exchange for raising the debt ceiling, if at all, it very much will be time for a third party in this country.

via The Left Takes the Debt Ceiling Debate Hostage to the S&P | RedState.