How Many Times Did Goldwater Run For President Again? – HUMAN EVENTS

1964 Republican presidential primaries
Image via Wikipedia


How Many Times Did Goldwater Run For President Again? – HUMAN EVENTS

Commentary: Back in 1964 at the tender age of 12, I mistrusted Barry Goldwater, but it was on how the Vietnam War escalated that he had some good things to say about national defense. It was too early for me to understand the prevailing social issues of the time – abortion and homosexuality incidences were occurring more and more often. But, it’s a good history lesson (and a “hard wake-up call”) that conservative issues have mixed and do mix with social issues in support of abortion and homosexuality. 

I’m including the Pink Banana World link below to show a “hard wake-up call.” The Log Cabin Republicans recently suggested giving the Barry Goldwater Award to Senator John Cornyn (R-TX). That didn’t set well with pseudonym, Screech!!!.