The Dumbing-Down of America – HUMAN EVENTS | Patrick Buchanan

“Is our children learning?” as George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning, especially the history of their country, the school subject at which America’s young perform at their worst.

On history tests given to 31,000 pupils by the National Assessment of Education Progress, the “Nation’s Report Card,” most fourth-graders could not identify a picture of Abraham Lincoln or a reason why he was important.

Most eighth-graders could not identify an advantage American forces had in the Revolutionary War. Twelfth-graders did not know why America entered World War II or that China was North Korea’s ally in the Korean War.

Only 20 percent of fourth-graders attained even a “proficient” score in the test. By eighth grade, only 17 percent were judged proficient. By 12th grade, 12 percent. Only a tiny fraction was graded “advanced,” indicating a superior knowledge of American history.

Given an excerpt from the Supreme Court’s 1954 decision Brown v. Board of Education — “We conclude that in the field of pubic education, separate but equal has no place, separate education facilities are inherently unequal” — and asked what social problem the court was seeking to correct, 2 percent of high school seniors answered “segregation.”

As these were multiple-choice questions, notes Diane Ravitch, the education historian, the answer “was right in front of them.”

A poster put out by the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, circa 1940, was shown and the question asked, “The poster above seeks to protect America and aid Britain in the struggle against …” Four countries were listed as possible answers.

A majority did not identify Germany, though the poster contained a clue. The boot about to trample the Statue of Liberty had a huge swastika on the sole.

“We’re raising young people who are, by and large, historically illiterate,” historian David McCullough told The Wall Street Journal.

“History textbooks,” added McCullough, “are “badly written.” Many texts have been made “so politically correct as to be comic. Very minor characters that are currently fashionable are given considerable space, whereas people of major consequence” — such as inventor Thomas Edison — “are given very little space or none at all.”

Trendies and minorities have their sensibilities massaged in the new history, which is, says McCullough, “often taught in categories — women’s history, African American history, environmental history — so that many students have no sense of chronology … no idea of what followed what.”

But if the generations coming out of our schools do not know our past, do not who we are or what we have done as a people, how will they come to love America, refute her enemies or lead her confidently?

This appalling ignorance among American young must be laid at the feet of an education industry that has consumed trillions of tax dollars in recent decades.

Comes the retort: History was neglected because Bush, with No Child Left Behind, overemphasized reading and math.

Yet the same day the NAEP history scores were reported, The New York Times reported on the academic performance of New York state high school students in math and English. The results were stunning.

Of state students who entered ninth grade in 2006, only 37 percent were ready for college by June 2010. In New York City, the figure was 21 percent, one in five, ready for college.

In Yonkers, 14.5 percent of the students who entered high school in 2006 were ready for college in June 2010. In Rochester County, the figure was 6 percent.

And the racial gap, 45 years after the federal and state governments undertook heroic exertions to close it, is wide open across the Empire State.

While 51 percent of white freshman in 2006 and 56 percent of Asian students were ready for college in June 2010, only 13 percent of New York state’s black students and 15 percent of Hispanics were deemed ready.

The implications of these tests are alarming, not only for New York but for the country we shall become in this century.

In 1960, there were 18 million black Americans and few Hispanics in a total population of 160 million. By 2050, African Americans and Hispanics combined will, at 200 million, roughly equal white Americans in number.

If the racial gap in academic achievement persists for the next 40 years, as it has for the last 40, virtually all of the superior positions in the New Economy and knowledge-based professions will be held by Asians and whites, with blacks and Hispanics largely relegated to the service sector.

America will then face both a racial and class crisis.

The only way to achieve equality of rewards and results then will be via relentless use of the redistributive power of government — steep tax rates on the successful, and annual wealth transfers to the less successful. It will be affirmative action, race preferences, ethnic quotas and contract set-asides, ad infinitum — not a prescription for racial peace or social tranquility.

via The Dumbing-Down of America – HUMAN EVENTS.

If Men Were Angels – Robert Higgs – Mises Daily

stippling engraving of James Madison, Presiden...
Image via Wikipedia

[Excerpted from “If Men Were Angels,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, 2007.]

In The Federalist No. 51, arguably the most important one of all, James Madison wrote in defense of a proposed national constitution that would establish a structure of “checks and balances between the different departments” of the government and, as a result, constrain the government’s oppression of the public. In making his argument, Madison penned the following paragraph, which comes close to being a short course in political science:

The great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others. The provision for defense must in this, as in all other cases, be made commensurate to the danger of attack. Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place. It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.[1]

via If Men Were Angels – Robert Higgs – Mises Daily.

Commentary: If men were angels, but men are not angels. This presumption on angels is that they are clean. Now, Michelle Obama is praying to keep the spirits clean. So that must mean that some spirits are dirty. How does one pray to keep the dirty spirits clean or clean spirits dirty. Wrong, Michelle Obama. Can’t pray to keep dirty spirits clean; nor, vice versa. But can pray to keep dirty spirits close or away. For, men are not angels.

Congressman Charlie Wilson Is A Wife Beater | RedState

Good job by Mike Flynn and Big Government uncovering this absolutely horrendous court filing detailing the abuse Congressman Charlie Wilson (D-OH) inflicted on his ex-wife — much of which he admitted to doing in a deposition. Clara Wilson went so far as to use the term “extreme cruelty” to describe what Charlie Wilson put her through.

Wilson admitted in his deposition to grabbing his wife by the neck and shaking her.

According to the court document, Wilson “slammed [his wife] into the refrigerator.” Wilson admitted in his deposition that early in his marriage he “kicked and struck” his wife and “accused her of adultery.”

Read the whole thing here.

via Congressman Charlie Wilson Is A Wife Beater | RedState.

Commentary: Liberal mentality of it’s okay to not enjoy your political job at the sacrifice of your relatives.

Hispanic Republicans of Texas | The Americano

Some of the most interesting and dynamic initiatives in American politics have to do with Hispanics. Groups and organizations are trying to reach our community from every possible angle because of the enormous benefits that having our support implicates in terms of votes, social integration, and economic gain.

One such initiative by the Republican Party, lead by George P. Bush, the nephew of the ex-President, an emerging conservative leader with Latino roots with the support of Juan Hernández and Jacob Monty, among others, focuses on inspiring and promoting Hispanic leadership through a plan to recruit Hispanic candidates to public office with the goal of increasing the presence and influence of the Latino community in politics and society as a whole.

via Hispanic Republicans of Texas | The Americano.

Commentary: It’s been real. To be real, yo!

President Obama Golfs 52 Times While U.S. Suffers – HUMAN EVENTS

President Obama has played 52 rounds of golf in less than two years in office. The U.S. unemployment, down economy and two wars have not tampered his leisure time. In comparison, President Bush played a total of 24 rounds of golf in eight years.

The pictures of the President wearing oxford-style, brown and white golf shoes and zipping around green golf courses in an electric cart are insensitive and inappropriate.

While the United States is in a severe economic crisis, the unemployment rate is stuck at 9.6% and families struggle to make ends meet, Obama spends an average of four to five hours playing each 18-hole round of golf.

via President Obama Golfs 52 Times While U.S. Suffers – HUMAN EVENTS.

The Impossibility of an Informed Electorate – D.W. MacKenzie – Mises Daily

Ordinarily I agree with John Stossel. Stossel does what many would have thought impossible: he uses economic reasoning to defend individual liberty and free markets on national media outlets. In a 2008 article Stossel claims that uniformed people should not vote. Stossel illustrates this idea by questioning audience members at a Rock the Vote concert. Many of the attendees of these events could not recognize pictures of the vice president or the Speaker of the House, and did not even know how many senators there are in the US Senate. Stossel suggests that people who lack such basic information have a duty not to vote. Conversely, people who are informed about politics should vote.

via The Impossibility of an Informed Electorate – D.W. MacKenzie – Mises Daily.

While Questions Arise of Why American Tourist was Targeted at Lake Falcon an American Student is Killed in Tamaulipas | The Americano

Locator map for the state of Tamaulipas within...
Image via Wikipedia

One question has come up numerous times as the story of Mexican pirates allegedly killing a missing American tourist a week ago in Falcon Lake, an artificial body of water that divides Texas from Mexico gains traction in the American media.

Why are Mexican pirates targeting U.S. tourists?

Commentary: Frankly, God loves all religions. But, anyone who goes into Mexico better learn how to fire a handgun in self-defense. An M-16 in automatic mode can fight an AK-47, no problem, and would be the favorable weapon of choice. Whoever travels into Mexico – a student, a woman, a Catholic priest? – no exception. It’s time the public responds and fights back in self-defense. Why does this writer single out Catholic priests? Because if a student or a woman ventures into a dangerous land and needs to defend oneself, that is a just act. Analogously, if a Catholic priest journeys into a dangerous land alone to evangelize, then he readies himself to defend himself and others. The point is that the leaders of the Catholic Church of the United States of America must stand up and defend American citizens and permanent residents, stop accepting liberal ideologies of illegal immigration, the threats of drug cartels, and get serious on the real moral perspective. A Catholic priest must abide by state law and the moral law – as well, learn to fire a weapon, learn to defend.

via While Questions Arise of Why American Tourist was Targeted at Lake Falcon an American Student is Killed in Tamaulipas | The Americano.

Obama is Deliberately Making America Poorer – HUMAN EVENTS

Dinesh D’Souza makes a good point in the video you’re about to watch. Obama never does speak about entrepreneurship and business in a positive light. He’s always demagogues the hell out of free markets, as if all financial successes were the result of “greed” and the “rich” not paying their fair share. (Like government bureaucrats are in any position to judge what a “fair share” of taxable income even is.)

via Obama is Deliberately Making America Poorer – HUMAN EVENTS.

Evidence of an Unsecure Border; Tunnels and a Dead American | The Americano

The best evidence that the U.S. – Mexico border is not under control, despite innumerable administration officials saying that the border has never been more secure, came in two stories published over the weekend. One in The New York Times and the other in The Christian Science Monitor.

Commentary: To warriors it’s common knowledge that communists are the best fighters in the world. They are bold, hard tunnel-kings on the underground – a communistic tactic of warfare. The drug lords borrowed this tactic. But don’t interpret this platitude as really a complement, because warriors defeat communists everyday. There’s an antidote, but why publicize this information right this minute.

via Evidence of an Unsecure Border; Tunnels and a Dead American | The Americano.

Glenn Beck – Current Events & Politics – Glenn Beck: Best caller ever?

GLENN: I want to go to Walter in Indiana. Hello, Walter, welcome.

CALLER: Hey, Glenn, how you doing this morning?

GLENN: Very good, how are you?

CALLER: Well, listen. I’m sitting here with the owner’s manual for our country and our people and our souls. I have the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Holy Bible.

GLENN: Yes, sir.

CALLER: And I’m absolutely infuriated with all of these people passing out first place trophies to last place people that run last. I’m sick of it. It does an injustice to the people and it does an injustice to our country. My daughter is 10 years old and I pride myself in making sure that she does her homework and is the best she can be.

via Glenn Beck – Current Events & Politics – Glenn Beck: Best caller ever?.