Replace Streamline the DBPR with BEIC | James Pat Guerréro

[Rick Scott] told the group to write to newspapers and call radio talk shows to support his plans to streamline government and get rid of unnecessary regulations. Otherwise, he said, special interests will try to prevent change.

via Florida Gov.-elect Rick Scott takes celebration on road » Naples Daily News.

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) stifles business and professions in Florida. It’s an over-regulated, inefficient, and unnecessary department. The costs for becoming licensed have increased since 1992. The newspapers write stories about consumer complaints that can easily be handled through channels that exist. These channels are private or legal, but they work. Government interference by regulations increases costs and becomes inefficient in application and results as the department can not do very much. The outcome is always ending up where the private and legal channels work better to impose remedies. DBPR investigations are worse, as most of the facts are really unknown, and the local jurisdictional authority is already involved in the first place. There should be a top-down review of the purpose and goals of the DBPR that must be measured against the effective private and legal tools that are already in place. The DBPR may act as an umpire only, and never discourage business and professional development in Florida. The Florida DBPR, if not changed completely, should become the model of business and professional development in the United States. Also, the DBPR name should be changed to something like the BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURSHIP and INNOVATION COALITION – the BEIC. This name elicits the true cooperation between private business and government as the way it was meant to be. This response is this citizen’s advice “to support [Rick Scott’s] plans to streamline government and get rid of unnecessary regulations.” Replace Streamline the DBPR with BEIC.