A Marine View of Gays in the Military | James Pat Guerrero

For Marines, it isn’t an up or down vote about whether gays in the military should answer or not. The Marines are part of the military establishment, and they know that they must agree to orders from the military Generals down to the Private (the Private is the lowest rank and the most dependable in the Marine Corps). Marines take an oath to the Constitution of the United States of America with special and personal meaning attached. The Uniform Code of Military Justice forbids homosexuality in the military with penalties attached to that immoral practice. If one practices homosexuality in the military, and it’s discovered, the result is generally an automatic, administrative discharge for the gay military person. The discharge may attach the stigma of  a dishonorable discharge or other than honorable discharge, neither of which will help the discharged in further opportunity in civilian life.

Marines know precisely when they’re working next to a gay person. And how do they know, i.e., by the idea of homosexuality transmitting weakness. The “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy isn’t needed. Homosexuality is here and there, even in the military, because it’s been there since man committed the first original sin. The “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy isn’t needed because Bill Clinton traded the policy as a political maneuver for some important concessions he wanted from Congress then. With regard to gays who want to join the military, so be it. For example, in civilian life, if gays succumb to the easy temptation to stare at a well-muscled weightlifter in a gymnasium and carry out a lustful and homosexual act, then what would they do in the military? Let the gay or straight fall into those kinds of temptations. Falls by the gay or straight will end up with the same result: weakness. Weakness communicates to the enemy exactly what it is – a demoralized and self-destructive force. That’s not what the Marines are about. From the Generals on down to the citizens of the United States, completing a military mission is first about leading by good example and about respecting your buddy and unit by good obedience.

For explicit reading: Gays in the Military | RedState.

One Reply to “”

  1. You will be damn sure I won’t participate in a draft if there ever comes one. And if I were in the military you wouldn’t be able to tell that I were gay. I guarantee I could kick ass in the military had I put my mind to it. But apparently I am a pansy who likes flowers and barbie dolls. What an ignorant misconception coming from your religious right wing agenda.


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